How to Keep Your Beard Healthy
Beards and the different styles associated are trending around the world. More men than ever have taken the plunge to grow a beard.
Though, growing a beard is only a small cog in the wheel. You need to know the best ways to maintain it and provide your facial hair with the nutrients it needs to thrive.
Facial hair is akin to growing a small plant. You need to water a plant, give it sunlight, and place it in the ground before it becomes anything of value. Take care of your beard the same way, to help it grow. Here are some of the steps you need to take to keep your beard healthy.
Use Beard Oil
Beard oil is one of the most important products you can put in your hair. Beard oil nourishes the follicles and the skin underneath. Thus, providing your face with the tools it needs to not only push out more hair but strengthen existing hair. Beard oil contains several essential oils like grape seed, jojoba, and castor. These ingredients have many advantages, such as healing damaged hair or cracked skin underneath your beard. Also, the ingredients in the oil cause it to smell amazing. Friends and family will be eager to take a whiff. Apply oil in the morning to keep your beard soft all day. Beard oil has something useful for every man.
Eat Healthy
None of the steps you take are half as important compared to what you put in your body. Your body is a temple. Whatever you put in has a direct result on your overall health. Since your beard is connected to your face when one struggles they both do. This is what makes eating the right foods so important. We are not saying you can't eat your favorite ice cream, just be mindful of how much you are eating. Add some healthier foods to your diet. Fruits and vegetables like apples, strawberries, and carrots keep you in shape. There is no reason why you can't eat healthily, and you are gaining nutrients helpful for your beard.
Sleep Well
Sleeping every night gives us the energy we need to function the next day. Skipping out on sleep or sleeping less has a direct impact on your body and beard. The next time you think of waking up earlier to finish something for work or school, stop and go back to bed. If you choose to stay up, you're forcing your body to work harder than it needs to. Sleeping through the night will strengthen your bones, muscles, and tissue. Everything in your body is working all day just for you so it needs the time to shut down.
Wash Your Beard
Bearded men must wash their beards regularly to avoid itchiness, discomfort, and dirty facial hair. Be sure to avoid hair shampoo and conditioner, as it could contain silicone and other chemicals that can decrease facial hair growth. Beard hair is different from the hair on your scalp. Therefore, using beard wash is imperative; it will save you from unnecessary damage. Beard wash contains many of the same ingredients found in beard oil, except beard wash lasts longer. Create a weekly schedule for the days you plan to wash your beard. You don't want to wash every day, as that will strip away all of your natural oil. Washing two to four times a week is good, depending on your day job at least. Construction workers could probably wash five times a week, while office workers shouldn't need more than a few.
Moisturize Your Beard
Use beard oil and beard balm to bring your beard from an average seven to a powerful ten. Moisturizing keeps your beard fuller and each hair healthier. Keep the skin under your beard moisturized. It's a common myth that beard oil is just for your beard hair but, in reality the major benefit happens on the skin. The skin has to stay moisturized. Don't skimp on providing the same care to your facial hair.
Maintain Your Beard
Growing a beard is no easy feat. It takes more than a little dedication; styling is just a small part of the equation. How do you properly maintain a beard? First, use products designed to clean your beard. The goal is to strengthen your hair and face, just like you do with the rest of your body. Beard wash will provide you with everything you will need to maintain a healthy beard. Beards also need to be trimmed in certain spots. For instance, your cheek hair can get rather long, approaching your eyes. We highly recommend finding a trusted beard barber in your local area. The quickest way to lose a beard is to make a mistake trying to trim yourself. Trust us, we've been there and done that! Overall, keeping a well-groomed beard is but one vital step in the process of wearing your face rug. Apply products to your beard that will nourish and help it to grow. Get a good night's sleep, wash your beard of dirt and bacteria, and moisturize your face. A healthy beard is a happy beard! |